Warlords Battlecry 3

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Lord Magnus

Fiche signalétique


Pseudo : Lord Magnus
Pays : Hungary Hungary
Race préférée : Orque
Ville : Hungary
Statut sur le forum : Squire

Hi! I like all episodes of WBC(especially the third^^), and I'm ready to play always(well, except if I'm sleeping xD)!!!
I like this game so if you wanna play with me then my MSN is:lordmagnus3@gmail.com

Rapport de batailles

Nombre de batailles000
Nombre de victoires000
Nombre de défaites000

Fréquence d'utilisation des races

RaceProportionNombre de bataillesNombre de victoiresNombre de défaites

Historiques des batailles

Avis sur les races


A very good race in my opinion, though
against races with lots of flyers(like Daemons) it isn't strong until level 4, and even if you're at lvl 5, only the pegasi and barbarian are the anti-air (except the Dragons and Tempest, though they are quite expensive).
Still, Reavers own everything! :D


Quite interesting race, and nice to play. Though they need lots of different resources, they have amazing units (like the cost-effective Reaper, or the rush king Nightmare, and so on). And of course,
a bunch of Daemons supported with Summoners is a force to be reckoned with.

Nain ténébreux

They are pretty slow, however they can strike at an amazing range, and what's more, they have the golems, what is -by my opinion- is the best infantry in the early and mid-game, coz all three can hit air, and Iron golems do damage to several enemies, and can summon dangerous Firebombs...oh and the Bronze Golem of course. It is quite strong, even compared to other generals, can get
resources from leveled buildings. And the Flame Cannon is a must-have...
it's just like an advanced liche :D
All in all, i think this race is great.

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